Home Theater Installation and Setup
You’ve got everything you need to start watching Netflix and Blu-rays in style, there’s just one problem – where does that wire go again? Have 360IT make sure your home theater audio & video devices are properly connected so all you have to do is relax, and enjoy the show.
360IT services include:
- Assess installation area
- Connect audio and video equipment
- Connect any capable devices to an existing wireless network
- Setup and configure all necessary peripherals
- Conceal in-wall rated wires or mask wires externally
- Demonstrate commonly used features
Audio Setup
Today’s Sound Bars and 2.1 speaker systems are designed to enhance your viewing experience while using minimal components. Audio can be added to a TV as a stand-alone system or added to an existing sound system. Call 360IT and have it done right.
360IT services include:
- Connect audio and video equipment
- Neatly dress wires
- Demonstrate commonly used features
TV Wall Mount Installation
Need help getting that TV up on the wall? Put down the tools and have 360IT mount it for you.
360IT services include:
- Install a bracket and mount TV
- Connect all necessary video and audio components
- Connect TV to Wi-Fi network
- Neatly dress wires
TV Setup
Today’s smart TV’s are capable of so much more than just watching TV. They offer Internet Connectivity, a wide range of apps, support streaming services and open up a whole new world of entertainment
360IT services include:
- Set up your TV
- Connect it to your Wi-Fi network
- Configure your streaming services.
- Setup and configure voice assistant
- Demonstrate commonly used features